This course will cover the design of
online experiments, specifically
focusing on the implementation of
online treatments and measurement of
attitudinal and behavioral variables
online. We will discuss the
advantages of web-based designs for
collecting data on a large scale, as
well as for implementing the
lab-in-the-field and natural
experiments. The course will use
examples from the existing research,
but also give students a chance to
participate in a real online
experiment. Furthermore, the course
will cover common problems and
limitations of online
experimentations and strategies of
dealing with them. Specifically, we
will talk about possible issues with
data quality and participant
motivation. Best practices of online
research will also be discussed.
This course will have a section
introducing students to causal
inference from experimental and
quasi-experimental designs.
Particularly, students will learn
how to collect the data so as to
establish that the relationship in
question is causal.